Computer Repair and Computer Problems Part 3: Your Processor

1155 S Power Rd.107
Mesa, AZ 85206

62 N Stapley Dr.
Mesa, AZ 85203

Computer Repair and Computer Problems Part 3: Your Processor

Part three of a three part series on computer repair focuses on your processor and some common mistakes computer users make.

Is it Serious if My Processor Overheats?

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Get Computer Repair in Mesa | 480-834-1318

Is it serious if your processor overheats? Yes. Your processor is one of the most important components in any computer. It is essentially the brain of your computer. Without your processor, your computer’s programs simply won’t work. One thing that can cause a processor to go bad is if it overheats.

Putting a desktop in the hottest part of the house is never smart. There’s a very good reason computer centers are a lot cooler than other rooms. Remember, that whatever the temperature of the room is, the inside of your computer will be substantially hotter. Your system will do the best it can to cool off the processor, but if it can’t, then your computer will shut down and you’ll have to go to a computer repair shop. While damage to a component such as your fan can cause your processor to overheat, sometimes, a computer user can cause a processor to go bad because of doing something not recommended by the manufacturer: overclocking.

Computer Processors and Overclocking

What is overclocking? When you overclock, you increase your processor’s clock rate, running it at higher speeds than it was designed to run at. While overclocking can increase your computer’s speed in different areas, it is also inherently dangerous for a number of reasons. For one thing, it overheats your processor, making additional cooling methods necessary. Another issue with overclocking is that if your processor manufacturer finds evidence of overclocking, it automatically voids the warranty on your processor.

If you take care of your computer, you can make it last for years. So remember, keep your computer cool. Don’t overclock your processor, and if your processor or any other component of your system isn’t working, call a computer repair shop .

This concludes part two of our series. For more information on computer problems and computer repair, be sure to read part one and part three as well.

Softque Premier Computer Services
1155 S. Power Rd. 107
Mesa, AZ 85206
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