Can’t Get on the Internet?

1155 S Power Rd.107
Mesa, AZ 85206

62 N Stapley Dr.
Mesa, AZ 85203

Can’t Get on the Internet?

What can you do if you can’t get on the Internet?  For a lot of people these days the thought of a world without internet is a scary concept. So much of our daily lives, from paying bills to keeping in touch with loved ones rely on a strong internet connection. Our reliance on this wondrous tool becomes all too apparent the second we lose it.

Diagnose Internet Connectivity Issues Mesa, AZ | 480-832-4600

Diagnose Internet Connectivity Issues Mesa, AZ | 480-832-4600

Why Doesn’t the Internet Work?

Why doesn’t the internet work?” We hear it all the time. The problem is never the internet itself. If the internet were to go down most of the world would plunge in to chaos. Individual sites can go offline but the internet as a whole keeps chugging along.

More times than not the issue lies with the computer receiving the internet. This can be the result of a malware infection, windows corruption, bad drivers, or incorrect settings. It’s a sad fact that a malware infection can actually cause every one of those other issues.

Diagnosing an Internet Connectivity Issue

While the computer is most likely the culprit, trouble connecting to the internet can also be the result of your ISP’s hardware going bad. Modems usually last 2-4 years before needing to be replaced and routers last a few years beyond that on average. The first step in diagnosing an internet connectivity issue should be to call your service provider. Most internet providers can send a signal to your modem to check if it is operating how it should be. If your modem and router tests fine you should bring in your system to be tested. A service SoftQue Computer happily provides.

Don’t want to bring it in?  If desired or needed, we can also come right to your home!

Softque Premier Computer Services
1155 S. Power Rd. #107
Mesa, AZ 85206
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