Computer Virus Removal Part 3: Spyware

1155 S Power Rd.107
Mesa, AZ 85206

62 N Stapley Dr.
Mesa, AZ 85203

Computer Virus Removal Part 3: Spyware

Part three of our series on computer virus removal focuses on spyware.

People have a lot of questions about it. What is spyware? Should I be concerned if spyware is on my system? Where does spyware come from?

What is Spyware?

Call Us Today for Spyware Removal | 480-834-1318

Call Us Today for Spyware Removal | 480-834-1318

Spyware can be a form of malware. Among several scary things it does, it gathers information from your computer and sends it to another computer without your knowledge or consent. Spyware in some cases can also take over your computer and allow someone else to operate it remotely. If you have spyware, you want to contact a service that does computer virus removal to take it off your system.

Should you be concerned if spyware is on your system? Well, think about it. Would you open the front door of your business or your home to a mysterious stranger and give him or her access to your bank accounts, personal files, and property records? How about letting him see what you look at on the Internet? Want this stranger interrupting you every few minutes to recommend products? Some spyware can also change the settings of your computer, slow down your Internet speed, and change your software browser settings to what it wants, not what you want. Those are just some of the things that spyware can do, and why you should get spyware removed from your computer or laptop.

Where Does Spyware Come From

A lot of people have spyware on their systems from something as simple as installing software. They may download a piece of legitimate software without realizing that the site they got it from had malware present as well. What’s really scary about spyware is the fact that it often runs invisibly. You could have it sitting there on your hard drive, quietly recording your login information, credit card numbers, and demographic information, and sending it somewhere else.

Spyware was recently in the news, and it impacted millions of people. Target and Nieman-Marcus both had their systems compromised by spyware, causing customer data to be uploaded to cyber criminals. So if it can affect large corporations with “secure” computer networks, it can obviously affect your computer as well. So, call a computer service and remove spyware from your computer now.

Softque Premier Computer Services
1155 S. Power Rd. 107
Mesa, AZ 85206
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